The Bud Diaries

Welcome canna enthusiasts to the ultimate chill zone where we’ll be deep-diving into all kinds of topics about the cannabis world. We’re covering topics like edibles and greening out, to make sure you can approach cannabis from a better place of understanding and elevation. Plus, we're sparking up discussions on the latest in legalization, cannabis clubs, and must-try products, and we’re even giving you our own unadulterated opinions.

Our goal? To cultivate a savvy community, buzzing with curiosity and armed with knowledge. So, let's embark on this journey with sass, class, and plenty of grass. Welcome to the Dank Mamas family. (But leave yo kids at home!)

Charity Waddy Charity Waddy

The Basics of Cannabis (Cannabasics)

If you’re new to the canna scene or someone that wants a little more background on what our sweet leaf is made of, this is the best place to start.

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If you’re new or someone that smokes and wants a little more background on what our sweet leaf is. This is your guide.

Know Before You Puff- The Basics


Want to know more about enjoying canna? Trying to learn how to make the most of your consumption? This is the page for you.


Still have questions?? We love a curious mama. For the legal, weird, and everything in between. This is the page you need.

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