Quick Puffs: What’s a Dose of Cannabis?

Smoking a joint

If you’re joint is PACKED full don’t feel pressured to have the whole thing in one go

Starting your cannabis journey with a joint? Classic! Ease into it with a single puff and give it about 10 minutes to see how you’re feeling. The effects usually peak around 20 minutes, so take it slow—maybe a puff every 20-30 minutes. This pacing helps you gauge how lifted you’re getting. And if you’re smoking alone don’t feel pressured to finish the whole thing. You can keep your unfinished treats for later or another day 😉.

Remember, a typical joint might pack 0.25g to 1g of cannabis, and the cannabis could have a THC content of 0-40%! Knowing what you’re working with helps manage your intake like a champ. Rolling your first J? No stress—we’ve got a guide that’ll make you a joint-rolling pro in no time.

Puffing from a bong or pipe

The first time you try a bong have a friend to light the bowl while you inhale

The first time you try a bong have a friend to light the bowl while you inhale

Bongs and pipes? They’re like the express train to your buzz compared to the mellow ride of a joint. If it’s your first voyage, having a seasoned bud by your side can be a lifesaver—especially with bong setups that can be complex for first-timers. Start with a small amount in your bowl to keep the buzz manageable—think 0.25 grams to ease into the potent effects. And hey, coughing? Totally normal. It’s like a rite of passage for newbies.

The edible scene

Knowing your edible’s THC and CBD in milligrams is KEY 🔑

Knowing your edible’s THC and CBD in milligrams is KEY 🔑

Switching to edibles? Whole different playbook. These treats take their time and can be sneaky with their intensity. Start with a modest 2.5-5mg dose and remember, your body’s makeup—like your weight and what you’ve eaten—plays a big role in how you’ll react. Patience is key here, as edibles can take a while to kick in, and their highs can last several hours, coming in gentle waves and sudden peaks. We wouldn’t suggest more than 10mg for your first experience! Check out our full article on edibles for more on how these treats work in the body.

So there you have it. Whether you’re inhaling or munching, finding your ideal cannabis dosage is a blend of art and science—mostly just paying attention to how your body responds. And remember, every cannabis journey is personal; what works for one person might be a no-no for somebody else. Start low, go slow, and enjoy responsibly!


We’re taking quick, insightful dives in our Quick Puffs series, where we unravel the smoky mysteries of cannabis in easily digestible bites. Our goal? To light up the most frequently asked questions with clear, concise answers that help both newcomers and seasoned enthusiasts alike.

Keep checking back for more easy-reading posts packed with everything you need to navigate the hazy world of cannabis. Stay curious, stay informed, and as always, stay dank!


Instagram Series: “Seed to Smoke”


Is Cannabis Legal?