Cannabis Consumption for Beginners

Welcome to the green revolution, my friends, cannabis lovers, and Mamas! In the last few years, cannabis culture has not just evolved; it's undergone a major glow-up, jumping into an era where canna is celebrated more openly and creatively than ever before. Gone are the days of secretive rendezvous with your 35-year-old weed dealer in his dimly lit apartment, surrounded by a lingering aroma that's a mix of incense and week-old pizza.🫠

Pineapple Express tells the story of Saul and Dave two (kind of) friends that get into trouble while enjoying some of the best weed known to man.

Pineapple Express tells the story of Saul and Dave two (kind of) friends that get into trouble while enjoying some of the best weed known to man

These days, it's all about stepping into sleek dispensaries and bustling cannabis clubs that could easily be mistaken for high-end boutiques 💎. This shift isn't just about *lewks*; it's a sign of the decrease in stigma and recognition of canna as both a recreational delight as well as a therapeutic ally.

We're living in a world where cannabis knowledge is everywhere, and the green scene is more lit than ever. Right now over 200 million people worldwide are enjoying cannabis products. Thanks to waves of legalization sweeping the globe we’ve got transparency like never before in consumer cannabis products. Getting your hands on buds for that *perfect* high is as easy as ever. Our personal favorite is the rise of cannabis clubs, where connoisseurs and newbies can gather to share, learn, and experience the magic of Mary Jane in all her glory.

From the artsy alleys of Amsterdam to the glitzy L.A. avenues, and soon to the streets of Berlin- trust me when I say, cannabis isn't just sticking around; it's setting up shop and inviting everybody to the party 🥳. But hey, if you're just tuning in to the cannabis conversation, you might be wondering, 'How do I even get started??'.

No stress Mamas. We're here to guide you through the ins and outs of cannabis consumption. This isn't just about getting high; it's about understanding and enjoying one of nature's most bountiful gifts to us as humans.

One of our favorite sayings at Dank Mamas is: the more you know, the safer you can consume. So let’s light up this journey with clear, straightforward info -unraveling the art of enjoying cannabis one puff, bite, or drop at a time.

What different ways are there to consume?

Smoking cannabis is the classic, the original, the undeniable OG method. But let's get one thing straight- smoking weed is more than just Puffin on Zooties—

There's a certain magic in the art of rolling a joint, flicking your lighter on, and even the communal spirit of passing a bong around. We’ve got the basics for the most common smoking methods all neatly wrapped up here to get you started.

Smoking cannabis

So, why do we smoke cannabis in the first place? Can we just eat it? The short answer: No. There’s an important part of enjoying cannabis we need to talk about and that’s heat, mamas (we’ll also need this for edibles, but we’ll explain that later in this article). When you apply a flame to cannabis, you're not just trying to make it hot; you're transforming it. Heat causes the cannabis to undergo decarboxylation – which is just a fancy way of saying it turns raw cannabinoids like THCA, (Tetrahydrocannabinolic acid) into the star of the show THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol), our Superman.

THCA is the non-psychoactive precursor in raw cannabis plants, while THC is the compound that gets you high after it's been heated or aged.

Yes, in case you were confused it’s mostly THCA rather than THC that’s actually in cannabis before heat is added. When you add heat to cannabis, THCA drops the "A" (for acid) and becomes THC. This transformation is crucial because THCA doesn't interact with your brain the same way THC does. THCA is like your shy friend at the party standing awkwardly by the snack table not doing much. Were they there? No one knows. THC on the other hand is the life of the party, mingling with your brain's receptors and getting things moving. You KNOW when she’s around 💃🏽.

When you smoke, the smoke (carrying THC) takes a direct flight from your lungs to your bloodstream, and then straight to your brain. It's in the express lane, bypassing metabolic pathways. Smoking gets to work quickly – a near-instant connection from flame, to plant, to you. The effects are almost immediate, peaking within the first 10 minutes to an hour of your first hit.

And as for how long do they hang around? Well, that can vary from person to person, but generally, you're looking at anywhere from 1 to 3 hours of feeling the vibe. This depends on factors like the strain, the potency, your tolerance, and not to mention the way you choose to smoke.

If you’re interested in smoking, the first step you’ll need to take is selecting your flower– it’s the very essence of your smoking experience. You'll need to grind your chosen bud down to a fine consistency (best is with an herb grinder, but a kitchen knife will do in a pinch) readying it for its transformation. This step is pivotal, turning the flower from its natural state into a form that's ready to be packed into a bowl, rolled into a joint, or maybe tucked into a blunt. The act of grinding, packing, and lighting up is as much a part of the experience as the smoke itself, allowing for a moment of reflection and anticipation which acts as a sacred ritual for some.

Buds should be broken down with a grinder before used to smoke

Buds should be broken down with a grinder before being used to smoke

When lighting up, the percentage of THC in your flower will greatly influence your experience. Cannabis flowers can range widely in THC content, having:

Low Potency: Under 10% THC, offering a milder, more subtle effect. These are perfect for newbies or those seeking a gentle uplift.

Medium Potency: Between 10% to 20% THC, balancing a stronger euphoria with manageable effects. This can be ideal for regular users.

High Potency: Over 20% THC, delivering powerful effects. These can be overwhelming for beginners but great for veterans chasing that intense highs now and again.

Crazy Potency (Infused): Over 40% THC comes from strong buds that are then dosed with even more concentrated cannabis 🚀. If you live in a place where cannabis is legal you might have come across “infused buds” at your local dispensary. I’d advise newer canna fans to proceed with caution and long-timers to keep an eye on how often you’re consuming these types of strains. When consumed regularly this level of THC can build tolerance fast and may begin to negatively affect your daily routine. Think about your friend who likes to enjoy a cappuccino in the morning versus your friend who needs 10 cups a day to survive. One is arguably enjoying life, and the other should maybe consider cutting back.

It’s important to know the potency of your canna so that you can mind your consumption and consume with as much peace as possible.

Smoking: Joints, blunts, and bongs


Oh, the humble joint! They are like the denim jeans of the cannabis world—classic, straightforward, and they’ll never go out of style. Picture this: finely ground cannabis, rolled into a smooth cylinder, with a neat little filter tucked in for that a perfect draw. It's a rite of passage, and at some point, it will come in handy to know how to roll one. Sure, it might require a smidge of finesse (and maybe a tutorial or two), but once you've got it down, rolling a joint becomes muscle memory. Simple, timeless, easy (with a bit of practice).

Photo by Elsa Olofsson from Unsplash of a delicate hand with pink painted nails holding a beautifully rolled joint

Photo by Elsa Olofsson from Unsplash of a delicate hand with pink painted nails holding a beautifully rolled joint

Typically, a joint is filled with about half a gram to an entire gram of cannabis. Of course, I’m sure you’ve seen joints that look like they could double as a baton, but for the everyday, casual session, sticking to that sweet spot of 0.5 to 1 gram lets you enjoy the ride without overdoing it. You'll want to start with a maximum of one to two inhalations and then wait for a little before the next, allowing you to gauge how the effects are affecting you (free grammar lesson ya’ll).

Let’s touch on the art of inhaling. This isn't about sucking in air like your life depends on it. It’s a much more zen moment. First, draw into your mouth. Try to picture the smoke inside. Then, slowly, breathe in and gently introduce that smoke to your lungs. Hold it there, gently like the embrace of a first hug with a long-lost friend. After a few seconds slowly and steadily breathe out. Congrats! That’s your first puff. It's not rocket science, but hey, even Messi had to kick a soccer ball for the first time.

If you’re alone don't feel obligated to finish the entire thing! For many first-timers and even seasoned smokers, an entire joint may be enough for you to enjoy over several sessions. You can keep your unfinished joints in a smell-proof container for later.

Pros? They're discreet and disposable, and you can enjoy the pure taste of your strain. Perfect for on-the-go or sharing with friends.

Cons? Rolling a *perfect* joint is an acquired skill, and they can burn unevenly if not done right. Plus, the smoke can be a little harsher on your throat if you're using a simple paper filter. Opt in for charcoal filters, they should have some wherever you buy your rolling papers.

To get you started we've snagged a top-notch tutorial from the kush king himself, Seth Rogen 👑, on the art of rolling the perfect joint. We absolutely recommend giving this a watch (or three) and getting started with your hands-on practice sessions: Rolling With Rogen | HOW WE ROLL

And hey, if your joint ends up looking a little droopy, no biggie. The great news is that rolling papers and paper filters are as budget-friendly as it gets, so going through a pack or even two as you master your technique is an accepted part of the process. Embrace the mess-ups, keep trying, and feel free to look up other techniques to try out. Take your time and enjoy the process – before you know it, you'll be rolling joints that would make Seth proud 🥲.


The cosmopolitan cousin of the classic joint, a spliff marries all the fun of your favorite cannabis strain with just a bit of tobacco, rolled up just as you would a traditional joint. Spliffs will offer you a unique experience. The inclusion of tobacco not only helps your green burn more consistently, but it also adds a little pep to your step thanks to nicotine's stimulating buzz.

The French insist on a sprinkle of weed in tobacco whereas the Americana may prefer a cannabis dominant blend

Some French people insist on a sprinkle of weed in tobacco but the Americana may prefer a cannabis dominant blend

Let's not mince words—mixing tobacco with your cannabis is not everyone's cup of tea. While some applaud the added dimension and the more even burn, others might side-eye the health implications of tobacco. And they're not wrong. The blend does tweak the taste and, shall we say, the "purity" of your cannabis voyage. It's the remix that not everyone asked for but some can't get enough of 🎵.

If tobacco isn’t your thing we’ve got to tell you about—herbal spliffs. This is going into more holistic territories, the blends of cannabis with herbs like mullein, for example, are turning heads. Not just a filler, mullein is great for those seeking a gentler smoke, especially if you’ve got a strain that is a tad too strong. You can feel free to customize your herbs based on what you’re feeling. Want to add a calming aura to your evening? Sprinkle some lavender into the mix. Looking for a minty kick to refresh your senses? Peppermint's got your back. This isn't just smoking; it's a craft, blending the therapeutic whispers of herbs with the bold voice of cannabis.

A tall green plant with yellow flowers. Mullein has been praised for its soothing effects on the respiratory system

A tall green plant with yellow flowers. Mullein has been praised for its soothing effects on the respiratory system

Whether you opt for tobacco or an herbal blend, you'll want to start with a mix that's right for you—experimenting is half the fun! A good rule of thumb is a 70/30 split, cannabis to what you're adding ratio, but feel free to mix it up to your heart's content. And, as with joints, mastering the roll is part of the journey. It might take a few tries, but the satisfaction of that perfect roll is worth every crumpled paper.

Pros? Spliffs offer a controlled burn and a unique buzz, thanks to our friend nicotine. They're the perfect plus-one for social gatherings, adding a little extra warmth to your conversations.

Cons? The health risks of tobacco are well-documented ☠️, and the flavor might not be for everyone. Plus, if you're a purist at heart, the idea of anything but cannabis in your roll might seem like heresy.


Blunts hold a special place in the heart of cannabis culture, akin to the leather jacket of the weed world—bold, robust, and with an unmistakable presence. To craft a traditional blunt you’ll roll cannabis in a tobacco leaf wrap, offering a hearty, durable cylinder that’s ready for a longer smoke session. To roll a blunt is to craft a masterpiece, requiring not just a touch of dexterity but also a scoonch of swagger to get it just right.

Properly rolled and ready to use blunts from Alchimia

For those looking to sidestep the tobacco leaves, there are alternative leaf wraps 🍂, a game changer for the health-conscious or those simply not vibing with tobacco (it hurts Mama’s tummy). These alternatives include hemp, banana, palm, and even rose petals, offering a unique smoking experience without the nicotine hitch. Each type of leaf brings its subtle flavors and aromas to the mix.

Typically, a blunt can accommodate a decent amount of cannabis, typically ranging from one gram and going as high as five, making it ideal for longer sessions or sharing amongst a circle of friends. When indulging in a blunt, pacing is key—taking two to three puffs before passing can ensure everyone enjoys the communal vibe without anyone getting overwhelmed too quickly.

Pros? The tobacco leaf wrap contributes to a slower burn and a unique flavor combination from the blend of tobacco and cannabis. It's great for longer sessions and provides a nicotine buzz alongside the cannabis high.

Cons? The health implications of inhaling combusted tobacco alongside your cannabis can't be ignored. Plus, the nicotine component makes it a no-go for those avoiding addictive substances.


Pipes are also a classic way to inhale your cannabis – respected, reliable, and straightforward. This method of consumption is as old as smoking and remains a favored choice among both newbies and connoisseurs for its simplicity and effectiveness. To use one all you have to do is pack the bowl of your pipe with ground cannabis, light your pipe, and inhale through the mouthpiece. As you draw in, the smoke travels, delivering the essence of the plant directly, a pretty direct and satisfying process.

A beautiful rose pipe from Etsy seller CloudyMill

A beautiful glass rose pipe from Etsy seller CloudyMill

Pipes come in a ton of designs, from the cute glass ones that might have popped up on your feed to the ornately traditional wooden ones you might have seen your grandpa using, each offering a unique *aesthetic* to complement its functionality.

Pros? Pipes are highly portable, easy to use, and require minimal preparation. They're perfect for a quick session or solo use.

Cons? The smoke from pipes can be a little harsh since it's not filtered, and the experience can be a bit too intense for first-timers. For an easier experience try mixing your pipe’s bowl with smokable mullein tea. Your pipe will require some form of maintenance to keep it clean and ready for whenever the moment for your next canna session comes up.


Bongs, also known as water pipes, elevate the experience of cannabis consumption to the level of high-tech filtration, offering a smoother and cooler hit with every draw. Through the use of water as a cooling and filtering agent, bongs elevate the simple act of smoking into something a little more sophisticated and smooth.

Simple Diagram of a bong from Smoke Vape

The process of smoking from a bong is an absolute delight: you start by lighting the bowl that has your cannabis and drawing in air from the top of the mouthpiece, the smoke cascades down the stem, bubbling through the water before rising through the chamber, cooled and purified, to meet you at the mouthpiece. From here breathe in and get ready for an intense hit of smoke.

The magic of bongs lies in their ability to use water to cool down the smoke before it gets to you, making each inhale less harsh on the throat and lungs as compared to smoking a joint or from a pipe. This cooling process also serves to filter out some of the harmful carcinogens and heavier compounds that might otherwise end up in your lungs that come with combustion.

Beyond their functional benefits, bongs are celebrated for their aesthetics and the intricacy of their hand-blown pieces are as much art as utility. There's a bong to match every personality and preference. This extends to the materials used to make a bong—glass, acrylic, silicone, and even metal—each adding its own personality to the smoking experience.

A exquisite glass bong with a wooden neck

A exquisite glass bong with a wooden neck

Pros? The primary advantage of bongs is the quality of the smoke they deliver. Cool, smooth, and filtered, it allows for more pleasant and potentially less irritating smoking. They are also incredibly efficient, and capable of delivering a more concentrated hit with less material, making them a favorite among seasoned canna lovers.

Cons ? Sophistication comes with its complexities. For newbies, the intensity of a bong hit can be surprising, requiring a bit of acclimatization. It also might be hard to light and smoke your first bowl alone. Trying this for the first time can be best done with friends who also enjoy canna 👯‍♀️.

Bongs also require more maintenance than simpler smoking apparatuses, with regular cleaning needed to prevent buildup. Their size and sometimes delicate nature can make them less portable than their handheld counterparts, limiting their use to more settled environments.


Dry herb vaporizers

Jumping into our next way to enjoy canna- we have vaporizers or vapes. They’re the *modern* twist in cannabis consumption, offering a blend of technology and tradition with a unique flair.

We’ll start with dry herb vaporizers. You can think of these as cute little ovens for your cannabis. These come in many shapes and forms but they all work more or less the same. You grind your weed, add it in, dial the perfect temp, and bingo, then this little device heats your greens just enough to release all the good stuff—THC, CBD, and those fragrant terpenes— you then inhale without torching your buds minus the most of the combustion.

A dry herb vaporizer from Magic Flight

A wooden dry herb vaporizer from Magic Flight

When it comes to vaping, cannabis temperatures play a significant role in the experience and effects. A good range to activate most cannabinoids, including THC and CBD, without combustion is between 356°F (180°C) and 392°F (200°C). This allows for high vapor production while preserving the terpenes and cannabinoids, offering a lighter experience with fantastic flavor and more moderate effects. The higher end of this range, around 392°F (200°C) to 428°F (220°C), is geared towards those seeking more potent effects, producing denser vapor clouds and triggering THC content for euphoric clarity and relaxation​​.

When you smoke a joint, from a bong, etc, cannabis reaches temperatures of an open flame, which is at a minimum of 600°F! (315°C) . This high heat can destroy a portion of the cannabinoids and terpenes before they can be inhaled. This combustion of plant material produces smoke that can be harsher on the lungs compared to your vape, which is why many prefer to use this as their go-to inhalation method.


Flavor Preservation: Vaping operates within a temperature range that's akin to a gentle simmer rather than a full boil over an open flame 🔥. This careful heating preserves the delicate terpenes responsible for cannabis's aromatic and flavor profiles.

Efficiency and Potency: By not burning away cannabinoids and terpenes in a cloud of smoke, vaporizers ensure you get more of the good stuff 😁. The temperatures used are perfect for extracting the maximum benefits from your cannabis, meaning you’ll probably feel more effects from inhaling in this way.

“Cleaner” Inhalation: Without the combustion that happens with smoking, vaping reduces the inhalation of harmful byproducts that are typically being burnt up. This means a smoother, cleaner hit that’s easier on the lungs, making it a favored option for both medicinal and recreational users who might be worried about lung health.

Temperature Control: The precision temperature settings on vaporizers allow for customization of your vaping experience. Lower temperatures yield a more cerebral, lighter effect, while higher settings can offer a more intense, body-focused high. This controlled inhalation lets you tailor your session a bit better than with traditional smoking.


Initial Cost: High-quality vaporizers can be pricy 🤑. The upfront cost is exponentially higher than traditional papers. You’ll want to think of this as a small investment if you try this method.

Learning Curve: For those new to vapes, finding the perfect temperature setting and learning how to maintain the device can be a bit of a journey. Unlike the straightforward nature of lighting a joint, vaping comes with a manual (yours should).

Battery Life and Maintenance: Portable vaporizers rely on batteries, which means keeping them charged is crucial for on-the-go use. Additionally, regular cleaning and maintenance are necessary to keep your vape functioning optimally, adding an extra layer of responsibility.

Vaporizer concentrates

Now, let’s talk about vape pens (We love our Penjamins) and concentrates. These are a way different game than vaping straight herb. Vape pens are HOT in cannabis tech right now 🔥, merging portability with powerful effects. These devices work by heating cannabis oil, concentrated with cannabinoids like THC, to a temperature that turns it into vapor, ready to be inhaled.

The magic happens in a stylish, pen-like gadget that fits effortlessly into your life (and pocket), allowing for a seamless transition from moment to moment. They're the perfect companion for those on the go, fitting seamlessly into your life and pocket. Whether you're transitioning from work to play, or just looking for a quick, effective way to enjoy cannabis, vape pens and concentrates offer a modern option.

Examples of various types of cannabis cartridge pens


Unmatched Potency: The concentrates used in vape pens can boast THC levels of 80-90%, a significant uptick from the 20-25% found in the most potent cannabis flowers. Their potentially high concentration of THC means that even a small puff can deliver significant effects. If you are trying to get *elevated* cannabis oil pens will do the trick.

Stealth by Design: Vape pens are the absolute ninja moves of cannabis 🥷. Their compact size and lack of smoke or strong odors allow for discreet use anywhere, from music festivals to a quiet night out. It's all the cannabis convenience without the tell-tale signs of consumption.

Simplicity and Convenience: With pre-filled or refillable cartridges, vape pens offer a straightforward, mess-free experience. There's no grinding, rolling, or packing required. Your pen will come with instructions for its specific use. Typically you select your cartridge, attach it to your pen, and you're ready to go.

Disposable ones can be even simpler but I would invest in a rechargeable battery. A 510 battery with universal threading is a great affordable choice over the disposable alternatives. While disposable vape pens have their moment in the sun for convenience, they're the fast fashion of the cannabis world; convenient sometimes but not so hot for your wallet or the planet in the long haul.

A cannabis pen with concentrate screwed into the battery

A cannabis pen with concentrate screwed into the battery

Control at Your Fingertips: Many vape pens feature simple adjustable temperature settings, allowing you to customize your vaping experience. Lower temperatures can highlight the flavorful terpenes and offer a more cerebral high, while higher settings provide a more intense body/mental effect.


Overconsumption Risk: The high potency of concentrates can be a double-edged sword. Especially for those new to vaping or cannabis in general, it's easy to underestimate the effects. Starting with small puffs and giving yourself time to gauge the impact is crucial to avoid an overwhelming experience. You can also shop around for lower THC cartridges.

Cost of Cartridges: While the rechargeable part vape pens themselves can be reasonably priced, the cost of pre-filled cartridges can get a little pricey. A quality half-gram cartridge can cost anywhere from 25 USD to 60 USD depending on the quality of the cartridge you’re buying.

Quality and Safety Concerns: Not all cartridges are created equal. Make sure you’re opting for reputable brands to mitigate concerns over additives and contaminants.

Edibles: Foods and beverages infused with cannabis

Cannabis edibles are far from just being a quirky alternative in the cannabis universe; they're making their way to the forefront as a favored method of consumption for a growing number of enthusiasts. Recent trends show a significant uptick in people opting for edibles, as of 2022 their sales outpaced the growth of the overall cannabis industry.

Cannabis gummies are popular treat booming in the cannabis world

Cannabis gummies are a popular treat in the cannabis world

Here's where edibles stand out: their potency and how they work their magic. The world of edibles requires a touch of culinary magic✨, specifically the process known as decarboxylation, or "decarbing" for short. This involves gently heating your cannabis to activate THCA from a raw cannabis plant into the potent, mood-lifting THC we all know and love. This is what we discussed before and why we usually smoke or vape our canna.

There are a couple of routes to take when getting your canna’s THC activated. You can decarb your cannabis in your oven at home and then infuse it into oils or butter, creating a versatile base for a wide array of recipes, or if you're feeling bold, you can bake the weed directly into fatty goods like brownies or cookies. This latter method delivers a more pronounced, earthy "green" (acquired) taste to your treats that pairs well with rich flavors like chocolate 🍫.

When you consume cannabis in edible form, it's not a straight path to your bloodstream. Instead, it takes a detour through your liver, where THC gets converted into a more powerful compound. What does this mean for you? The effects can be more intense and the high longer-lasting compared to smoking or vaping. Rather than a steady brief elevation that you would get from smoking cannabis, with edibles, you’re riding a series of intense waves.

Mama’s Tip: For those new to the edibles scene, the mantra is simple: start low, go slow. A typical starting dose might be between 2.5 to 5 mg of THC, even though a standard dose is considered to be around 5-10 mg. A careful approach allows you to gauge how your body reacts to edibles, which as I’ve said have a delayed onset. Jumping the gun and consuming more before the initial dose takes effect is a common rookie mistake that can lead to an intense experience. It only takes a few extra chocolate squares to turn a chill night into a space odyssey😵‍💫.


Enhanced Duration of Bliss: These puppy dogs are all about the long haul, delivering a steady, immersive high that can last anywhere from 4 to 8 hours.

Stealthy Indulgence: Edibles are another secret agent of the cannabis world. They morph into any form — from award-worthy gourmet chocolates that could steal the show in a patisserie, to mints so regular-looking you’d swear they were from your grandmother’s purse (unless you already have a cool grandma). Perfect for those moments when you want to keep your cannabis enjoyment low-key.

Precision in Every Bite: Dialing in your perfect dose is a piece of cake (sometimes, literally) with edibles. Unwrapping a professionally dosed treat provides a level of dosage accuracy that smoking or vaping just can't match. You can achieve this baking for yourself, but it does take some trial and error.

Breathe Easy, Enjoy Fully: Wave goodbye to the smoke signals. Edibles offer a lung-friendly alternative to traditional smoking, ensuring you can savor the magic of cannabis without the puff.


Patience is a Virtue: The effects of edibles are like waiting for your favorite band to come on stage; it can take anywhere from 30 minutes to 2 hours before the show starts. And if you're impatient and decide on an encore (aka, take more), you might end up with more of a show than you bargained for.

The Long Haul: Ever tried binge-watching an entire series in one night, only to realize you've committed to more than you can handle? That's the edibles when you overdo it, but you can’t turn the TV off. Once the effects kick in, you could be in for a long, long night (or day) before you feel like yourself again. It's like being strapped into a roller coaster that's exhilarating at first but then you realize the ride operator's gone for lunch. And dinner. Maybe even breakfast. So, remember, with edibles, you're not just in it for a good time, but a long time if you're not careful. Especially if you’re newer to the game I would stick with less than 20mg total in a day to avoid what will feel like a never-ending story 🦄. (Don’t be scared though, we promise the ride will eventually be over.)

The Wild Card: Everyone's body reacts differently to edibles. Your friend might be on cloud nine with the same dose that barely gets you off the ground. It's a bit like getting a box of chocolates; you're not quite sure what you're going to get. You’ve got to spread out your experiences and be a bit patient with this one.

For more on edibles, including tips on dosing, types, and safety, be sure to check out our in-depth article on edible cannabis consumption.

Topicals: Cannabis-infused lotions and creams

For those who want the benefits of cannabis without the high, topicals are your move. These are cannabis-infused products like lotions, balms, and oils that you apply directly to your skin. They're designed for localized relief – think muscle soreness, inflammation, or skin conditions.

Some of the most common skin conditions can be treated with CBD products

CBD topicals are laid-back and here to make sure everyone’s comfortable, relaxed, and feeling good. They’re all about providing relief and relaxation without any psychoactive effects. These are perfect for soothing sore muscles, calming skin irritations, or just unwinding after a long day. They interact with local receptors in your skin without altering your mental state.

On the flip side, THC topicals are a little bit spicier. While most THC-infused creams, balms, and lotions stick to local relief, they bring a bit more buzz to the surface—think of it as a gentle hum rather than a full-on concert. These won’t get you high, however, it’s worth it to mention that canna-infused topicals with THC that enter the bloodstream or break the skin barrier like lubes and some transdermal patches CAN get you elevated. These products open up new dimensions of cannabis use potentially bringing psychoactive effects to the table. As always, the golden rule of "start low and go slow" applies, especially when navigating the potent potential of these beyond-the-surface topicals.

Most topicals will clue you in on their cannabinoid content, often in milligrams. This can range from the very gentle (think 50mg of THC/CBD per container) to the more robust (upwards of 500mg or more for the entire package).


Stealth: Topicals deliver all the goodness of THC and CBD right where you need it, without any of the heady effects. Perfect for those days when you need to keep your wits about you and for when you want a little relief. No smoke, no scent, no tell-tale signs. Just you, your topical, and a world oblivious to your secret wellness weapon.

Bullseye Relief: Topicals let you target your sore and tender bits with the precision of a well-aimed dart.

Ease of Use: Simplicity is the name of the game. No fancy gadgets, no convoluted instructions – just pop the lid, apply, and you're doing it.


The Cost: Let's talk cash Mamas. Quality topicals can be super expensive, and depending on how liberally you slather, you might find your stash depleting quickly. Worth it? Absolutely. But best to budget for your bliss.

Spot Treatment Only, Folks: While they're ace at zeroing in on specific sore spots, they're not your go-to for those full-body feels or deep, existential mellowing. Think of topicals as your area-specific allies.

Your Skin's Mood Matters: Just like regular makeup, lotions, perfumes, etc, our skin has its moods and preferences. Some topicals might vibe with your skin, and some might give you a rash. Make sure to patch test on a small area of skin before going all in here. If you’ve got sensitive skin you can also try opting for topicals with fewer, simpler, more natural ingredients.

Tinctures: Sublingual drops

Tinctures might not be grabbing headlines but let's not snooze on these undercover superstars. These usually come in dropper form and are liquid extracts that you place under your tongue. We’re not swallowing here 😉! Placing these drops right under your tongue lets you absorb canna directly into your bloodstream. This method offers a faster onset than edibles but is more controlled than smoking. Tinctures are great for micro-dosing as they allow for precise dosage control – you can adjust your intake drop by drop. They’re a fantastic choice for those who need consistent dosing and quick effects without the smoke or lasting commitment of edibles.

For those getting started a microdose or a good dose for those new to tinctures is around 1 to 2.5 mg of THC. This is a great level for those just dipping their toes into the waters. Doses from 5-10mg start to bring more intense psychoactive experiences and potent effects. This level is recommended for individuals well-acquainted with their response to THC, seeking intense relief or a deeper experience.

Unlike the almost instantaneous effects of smoking, tinctures require a bit of waiting. Typically, effects start to manifest within 15 to 30 minutes, but it can take up to an hour. It's important to wait and check in with how you feel before considering more.


Another Ninja: They're perfect for those moments when you’re trying to be a little discreet. No smoke means no lingering smell, making it your secret weapon for discreet dosing, these can be the move for events like a family gathering.

Fast-Acting: Tinctures cut to the chase, offering a quicker onset of effects compared to the slow burn of edibles. This is ideal for when you need quick relief or a fast track to relaxation without smoking or vaping.

Precision Dosing: If you love having control, tinctures are your dream come true. The dropper allows for on-the-dot measurement, so you can adjust your intake with precision. This is especially crucial for those who need to maintain a consistent dosage for therapeutic effects.


Taste Test: Tinctures can be an acquired flavor, reminiscent of a botanical garden. Some people love the taste but for those with sensitive palates, this can taste like a kale smoothie with only kale. :( However, you can pair these drops with other beverages, to easily mask the herbal undertone with a delicious herbal tea 🫖 for a perfect experience.

Patience Required: In our world of instant gratification, even a short wait can feel like an eternity. Tinctures do offer a faster onset than edibles, but they're not instantaneous. The waiting period (typically 15 to 30 minutes, sometimes up to an hour). Good things come to Mamas who wait.

Cost Consideration: Tinctures stand out for their quality and precision, but this comes at a higher cost compared to other cannabis options, making them a premium choice in the market.

What does being high feel like?

Now that we know about all the ways you can consume canna, let’s dive into the fun part. What it feels like to consume cannabis and more specifically the effects you can expect to feel from THC. Each session can swing from high-energy laughs to deep thoughts, depending on your dose and personal vibe. THC isn't one-size-fits-all; it depends on you.


That bright feeling like your heart is throwing a party and the whole universe is invited

Here's a sneak peek at what the ride might feel like. First up, there's euphoria – that bubbly, light-as-air feeling where everything seems just a bit brighter and more fun. It's like your favorite song just came on, and suddenly, you're the main character in your own movie. This joyous lift is a big part of the allure for many cannabis enthusiasts.


A cool feeling moving you to a level of tranquility untouched by the world's noise

Then there's relaxation – that deep, melting-into-the-couch relaxation. Imagine all the stress and tension in your body and mind just evaporating, leaving you feeling like you're floating on a cloud. It’s like hitting the slow-motion button on the world, letting you catch your breath and just be.

Increased Sensory Perception

Every hue intensifies, every color sings and sound is high fidelity. It's as if the world went from standard definition to ultra-high resolution

Altered perception? Absolutely. Colors might seem more vivid, time may feel like it's stretching out, and your senses can go into overdrive. Foods taste better, music sounds richer, and even simple things can become fascinating.

But here's the thing to remember – getting high is a super subjective experience, and a lot of it comes down to the strain you pick and you (your genetics).

For first-timers: start with a lower THC strain. Think of it as dipping your toes in the water rather than diving headfirst. It gives you a chance to gauge how your body and mind respond. Are you going for an energetic sativa, a relaxing indica, or a balanced hybrid?

If you're smoking flower and find the effects from a strain you’ve picked are a bit too strong, you can mix it with an herbal blend to mellow it out. Another great option is to go for a CBD-dominant or balanced hybrid strain. These can offer a less intense experience, keeping you grounded while you explore the effects of THC.

The art of keeping a cannabis journal

Feeling a tad overwhelmed? All good. Before you jump headfirst into the green, we've got something cooked up just for you: our strain guide 🧬. It's like having a cannabis connoisseur in your pocket, guiding you through the maze of sativas, indicas, and everything in-between to fit every vibe you could want to elevate with cannabis.

Your journal is uniquely yours. Fill it with all of the information that is important to you

Your journal is uniquely yours. Fill it with all of the information that is important to you

Once you've started to understand what you like, one of the best tips we can give people starting their journey is to keep a canna journal 📒 of your new and enlightening experiences.

What’s a canna journal you ask? Whether you find yourself uplifted by sativas or soothed by high-CBD strains, your journal is a treasure trove of insights into your personal preferences and tolerance levels. It’s invaluable for both recreational reflection and therapeutic guidance, helping you tailor your cannabis experience to fit your unique needs and lifestyle. So start jotting down those experiences; in the future you will appreciate the insights gained from every logged session, much like a connoisseur savoring the memory of a fine wine 🍷. We’ve got more on this topic in our guide on creating a cannabis journal for those ready to jump into the practice.

Things to note in your Canna journal

Strain Name and Type: Note the specific name of the strain and whether it's an indica, sativa, or hybrid.

THC and CBD Content: If you know it, write down the % of THC and CBD. This can help you understand how you tolerate different percentages of cannabis. It’s the difference between understanding you’re drinking a 3.5% alc beer🍺 or a 40% alc shot of tequila 🥃.

Method of Consumption: Whether it’s smoking, vaping, edibles, tinctures, etc, the method can affect your experience.

Dosage: Record how much you had. For smoking or vaping, note how many puffs or in milligrams if you know how much you’ve used in a joint, pipe, bong, or vape. For edibles and topicals, record the milligrams of THC/CBD.

Effects on Your Body and Mind: Note any physical sensations, such as relaxation, energy, sleepiness, or relief from pain. Pay attention to changes in your mood, anxiety levels, creativity, focus, euphoria, or any altered perceptions 👀.

Timing: Write down how long it takes to feel the effects and how long they last.

Context: Include details about the setting or activity during consumption, as your environment can influence your experience.

Side Effects: Did you have any negative effects like dry mouth, anxiety, dizziness, or paranoia 😵‍💫? Write that down. Some strains might not be for you and it’s okay to learn that.

Overall Experience: Summarize your overall impression of the strain and experience – did you enjoy it? Would you try this strain again?

Important before you consume

Diving into the canna world is like going to a country you've never visited before—exciting, a bit overwhelming, and full of new experiences. And just like any adventure, there are a few guideposts you'll want to keep an eye out for to make sure your journey is as enjoyable (and safe) as possible.

Think of us as your canna compass, ensuring you enjoy the highs, manage the lows, and find your perfect balance.

Buy from a reputable source

We're talking about licensed dispensaries and clubs that are legit. Why? Because they don't play around. These spots are under heavy regulations, ensuring every leaf, edible, and tincture passes the test for quality and safety. We don’t want surprises when enjoying our canna.

Let's sprinkle a little reality check into our chat about sourcing our green. Let me ask you this: Would you buy a bottle of "wine" from a dude in the park? No. Because it's sketchy as HECK 🤨, and who knows what's actually in that bottle? It could be grape juice... or it could be grape juice with a dash of "you-sure-wish-you-didn’t-buy-that that."

Now, applying that same logic to our leafy friend—venturing outside the reputable confines of licensed dispensaries and legit clubs is like playing roulette with your relaxation. The tough reality is some street dealers are adding substances to weed that definitely shouldn’t be there, and even if it’s legit green you have no idea what you’re consuming. Imagine drinking a cup of something that you thought was 5% alcohol but turned out to be 20% alcohol. If this happened to me I’d be on my ass!

Depending on where you live some dispensaries can be fancy 💎

Here's the deal: licensed dispensaries and clubs? They're the real MVPs. These places are STRICT when it comes to regulations, ensuring every leaf, every edible, and every tincture can pass rigorous quality and safety tests and is labeled accordingly. These places are specifically not in the business of giving you surprises during your canna experience.

If you ARE getting canna homegrown from a friend make sure it’s someone you trust that can at least give you their estimations on THC content and information about the strain. It’s best if they show you their grow setup and help you get started with your very own plant 🌱!

In the grand scheme of things, ensuring your canna is legit green is just safe. No surprises, just pure, cannabliss.

Talk to your local budtenders

Budtenders are like your personal cannabis guides🧑‍🏫, with knowledge on everything from THC content to terpene profiles. You’ll find them at dispensaries and cannabis clubs. They bring a wealth of knowledge and can help demystify the world of cannabis for you. Think of them as the sommeliers of weed, with a knack for pairing you with your perfect cannabis match.

Don't be shy! Strike up a convo and let them lead the way to your next favorite strain. They're all about making sure your cannabis journey feels less like a wild guess and more like a guided tour, making sure your cannabis experience is just right for you.

Embracing the subjective experience

Keep in mind that the same strain can tell a different tale for each individual. Pay attention to the strain you’re consuming and try to make a conscious decision about how you expect to feel. If you need a guide to experience your perfect strain we’ve also got your back ;).

You might not all have the exact same experience when smoking with friends, but you’re bound to all have a good time 😎

You might not all have the exact same experience when smoking with friends, but you’re bound to all have a good time 😎

And while strain descriptions are a great start, they're just the tip of the iceberg. Your journey with cannabis is as unique as you are. What's uplifting for one might not be relaxing for another, so take these descriptions as a guide, not gospel.

This is where tracking your experiences – maybe in a cannabis journal – becomes invaluable. Note how different strains make you feel, what you like or don't like, and any other effects you observe.

Low and slow: The path to enjoyment

I’ve talked about this at least four times in this article, so I hope you’ve taken it to heart ❤️. Practically this means if you're vaping or smoking, take a puff and wait a bit to see how you feel before going in for another. With edibles, the waiting game is even more crucial due to their delayed onset. Start with a low dose and give it time—usually an hour or two—to work its magic before even thinking about upping the ante.

Despite our best intentions, sometimes we find ourselves a bit more stoney-baloney than intended. If you've gone a tad overboard and are feeling overwhelmed, don't panic.

Paranoia and anxiety, while not universal, can be common companions on the cannabis journey, especially with strains high in THC. If you find yourself in these murky waters, remember: it's temporary. and will pass Sometimes, simply changing your setting, focusing on deep breathing, or listening to calming music can help steer you back to tranquility.

Having too much canna in one go might push you into a “green out”

Having too much canna in one go might push you into a “green out”

The "green out" – a term used to describe feeling sick or faint after consuming too much cannabis – is another potential hazard. We've got something to help you out for when you’ve greened out, packed with tips to help you get back to Earth. Remember, this is temporary and can be navigated with the right knowledge and tools at your disposal.

A word on dependency and tolerance

Like many good things in life, there's also the chance of developing a dependency. Regular, heavy use can lead to building a tolerance, meaning you need more to get the same effects. Suddenly, what used to be enough now feels like a mere appetizer for your contentment.

Let’s explain the core differences between tolerance development and withdrawal experiences across alcohol, hard drugs, and cannabis on the brain and body:

Mechanism of Action: Each substance interacts with the brain's neurochemistry in unique ways. Alcohol and hard drugs like opioids and cocaine can alter several neurotransmitter systems (e.g., GABA, dopamine) broadly across the brain, leading to more pronounced neuroadaptive changes. Cannabis primarily affects the endocannabinoid system by interacting with cannabinoid receptors, which play a role in mood regulation, pain sensation, and appetite.

Imagine these substances are guests interacting at a party in your brain. Alcohol and the hard stuff mingle everywhere, causing a ruckus in various neurotransmitter systems, leading to significant changes. It takes your brain a lot of work to clean this party up 🧹. Cannabis, on the other hand, is a much chiller guest, mostly keeping to the endocannabinoid system, affecting mood and appetite the equivalent of leaving a few party cups to be cleaned up.

Severity of Brain Adaptation: The intensity of neuroadaptive changes, and therefore tolerance, varies. Alcohol and hard drugs are like party crashers who rearrange your house (brain chemistry), making it harder to feel normal without this incredible disruption. Cannabis is more like the friend who slightly adjusts your thermostat – noticeable, but your house won’t feel off when they leave.

Withdrawal Symptoms: Alcohol and hard drugs can cause acute and potentially dangerous physical withdrawal symptoms (e.g., seizures, severe hypertension) due to the significant imbalance they create in the brain's neurotransmitter systems. Withdrawal from canna typically has milder, more psychological symptoms (e.g., irritability, mood changes), reflecting its more localized effect on the endocannabinoid system.

What’s the key takeaway? Don’t be afraid. If you reach a point where you feel your current use warrants a break, withdrawal symptoms, though a bit of a bummer, are generally mild. You might find yourself needing the infamous "tolerance break." This is when you decide to reduce or stop your cannabis use for a set period. This might be a good idea if you start to notice your cannabis use has decreased in effect or that you are using canna to help you fill an area of your life that needs some work.

Taking an abrupt break after constant use feels like to trying to ignore your phone's constant notifications. You might find yourself a bit moodier, or experiencing a longing that can only be compared to missing the comfort of your bed when you're away from home. Don’t worry, these feelings usually go away in a few days up to a few weeks. Consult a doctor if you experience concerning symptoms.

The trick from the start is to avoid too much canna use. It’s about finding that sweet spot between enjoyment and dependency. It's about savoring each canna moment, like a perfectly crafted latte without letting it morph into a must-have to get through your day. Consider it a challenge, a game of self-control, where the prize is your peace of mind and maybe, just maybe, a healthier relationship with your guilty pleasures 😌.

Cannabis holds a spectrum of benefits that can enhance your quality of life, but The Lord’s Lettuce 🥬 demands respect and responsibility. It's about finding that sweet spot where you enjoy its positives without falling into the pitfalls. Stay informed, consume responsibly, and let cannabis be a part of your life in a way that's beneficial, safe, and of course enjoyable. That’s why we’re here with knowledge to help you find your perfect balance in a world that's constantly tempting you with the next quick thrill.

From the bliss of smoking to the sleekness of vaping, and the culinary adventure of edibles, we've covered the basics of enjoying this versatile plant. Remember, whether you're a joint enthusiast, an edibles connoisseur, or a vape aficionado, your cannabis journey is uniquely yours 🥳. Have fun with it Mamas!


Craving more canna-knowledge? Up next in this basics series, we’ve got Your Top Cannabis Questions Answered. You can also dive into our treasure trove of articles for more enlightening reads. And hey, don't miss out on our weekly newsletter – it's like a treat for your inbox! Every week, we bring you the latest and greatest in cannabis news, nifty tips, cool products, and a bunch of fun tidbits to uplift your week.

Remember, safety first! Always consume responsibly and stay informed about your local cannabis laws – our advice and content are tailored for our fellow enthusiasts in places where cannabis is legal like Germany, the USA, and so on. So, subscribe, stay safe, and let's keep the good vibes rolling responsibly!


The Basics of Cannabis (Cannabasics)


Your Top Cannabis Questions Answered