Greening Out

Ever heard of 'greening out'? It's like the “drunk” of cannabis, except instead of seeing double, you're hyper-aware of the fact that you can hear colors 👁👄👁. Today we’re talking about why it happens and how it's different when you're puffing versus munching. With this knowledge, we can hopefully avoid getting you to the point of a “green out”, or at the very least be mentally ready when it happens. 

What's greening out?

Simple as this: Greening out is when you smoke, eat, or consume too much THC for your body. It's when you go from feeling relaxed, happy, and at peace to losing your f****ng s**t. Think nausea, dizziness, sweating, a racing heart. It’s feeling like you're on a bad carnival ride that won’t end. 

Greening out can creep up on you. Consume mindfully to avoid

Greening out can creep up on you. Consume mindfully

Just like with alcohol, sugar, caffeine, etc, cannabis can be overconsumed. If you drink, for comparison, consider the difference between a sweet buzz you get from a few beers during a night out and 12 *very regrettable* tequila shots. One will put you in a great place for the evening and allow you to wake up with minimal consequences whereas the other might have you blacked out and sending apology texts in the morning.  

And here's the thing: Everyone's different – your buddy might be fine with a dose of canna, that would send you to the moon 🌚. This is because the effects cannabis has on a person depends on a mix of genetics, frequency of use, and even how much food you've got in your stomach. This is why we want to stay knowledgeable about just how much we’re consuming and at what concentration. After all 50mg of an edible doesn’t sound like a like a lot- and may not be a heavy dose for a long-time canna fan- but if you’re new to the game? Don’t even think about it 😱.

Smoking vs. edibles


Think of smoking weed as the instant messenger of the cannabis world. It's a speedy process 🏎. Here's how it goes down:

Immediate Uptake: Inhaling cannabis sends THC into your lungs and then directly into your bloodstream. From there it’s a quick move to get to your brain 🧠.

Speedy Effects: Thanks to this direct route, the impact typically takes a few seconds to a few minutes, flipping your mood from zero to sixty in minutes. One second you're on your couch, philosophizing about the universe's infinite expanses and the next you’re laughing at the idea of a your dog wearing a tie.

Make it fast. This good boy has an appointment in 5 minutes

Make it fast. This good boy has an appointment in 5 minutes

Quick Peak, Soft Fade: The climax of this journey hits you like a perfectly timed drop in your favorite song, peaking within about 10 minutes. But don't worry; it’s a classy guest that knows not to overstay its welcome. Depending on your mix of tolerance and intake, the buzz gently starts saying its goodbyes anywhere from 30 minutes to a few hours later.

Control at Your Fingertips: With effects that materialize so rapidly, it's simpler to judge how you’re feeling and adjust accordingly. We’ll admit this method of consumption makes it easier to dial in the perfect level of high, avoiding the risk of overdoing it.


Edibles are the marathon runners of the cannabis scene – it’s all about endurance and a slow build. Here’s what happens when you consume a cannabis edible:

The Scenic Route: When you eat THC-infused edibles, they take a *journey*. First stop? Your stomach, where the edible begins breaking down and mingling with your digestive enzymes. Next, it’s off to the liver, where THC is transformed, like a caterpillar into a dragon- an even more potent form of THC. The liver converts THC into 11-hydroxy-THC, a compound that’s more potent and has a stronger effect on the brain than the THC you’re used to from, say, smoking. THC finally makes its grand, dramatic entrance into your bloodstream. This results in a more intense, full-body immersion kind of high.

The Waiting Game: You've just indulged in a piece of a pot cookie, and now you're watching the clock, wondering when the magic will happen. We can tell you right now edibles aren’t the place for instant gratification; we need a chill 30 minutes to 2 hours before the effects start to show because of the detour we talked about. It's like waiting for your favorite band to take the stage—anticipation is part of the experience as you might wait a while before this star comes out to perform. We’re looking at you Lauryn Hill.

This slow build is precisely why newbies to the edible scene need to exercise caution before reaching for another bite. The golden rule? Wait it out. You can't rush art, and you definitely can't rush a good high. Jumping the gun on redosing is like pouring more tea into a cup that's already full—you're just going to make a mess.

Sneaky Overconsumption: You've waited, checked your watch, browsed through your entire social media feed, and...nothing. So, you think to yourself, "Maybe just one more bite." Fast forward a bit, and suddenly, you're on a cosmic ride you didn't sign up for 🎢. This is the sneak attack—edibles' notorious lag time makes it oh-so-tempting to double down before the first round has even had a chance to show up. It's a tale as old as time, setting the stage for those infamous ‘bad edible stories’ where the moral is always, "I ate too much, I was high as 💩." Like opening Pandora's box, once you've overindulged, there's no going back (at least for the length of a Back to the Future binge).

Long-Lasting Effects: Once the edible express has left the station, you're in it for the long haul. This is a journey that can last anywhere from several hours to the better part of a day. It's the kind of trip where you settle in, find your groove, and enjoy the scenery. The extended duration is what sets edibles apart, offering a prolonged experience.


Whether you choose to inhale or indulge in edibles, the key is to understand your body and its reaction to THC. With smoking, you’ve got more control over the experience, but it’s a faster ride. Edibles require patience and a solid understanding of dosage – remember it’s easy to accidentally go from zero to hero when eating cannabis edibles.

Tips to avoid greening out

Navigating the world of cannabis can be a blast, but knowing how to avoid the less fun side – greening out – is crucial. Let’s dive deeper into some lifesaving tips:

1. Start low, go slow

For the Puff-and-Pass Crowd: If you're lighting up, remember, it's not a race. Take a single puff and let it marinate. Wait a few minutes before you decide if you're up for another round. Think of it like sipping a fine wine—you want to savor each moment.

For the Edible Enthusiasts: Edibles don't sprint; they're in it for the long haul, taking their sweet time to make their effects known. Kick things off with a modest portion. Check out what the package says—a serving might be 10mg of THC, but your starting line should maybe be half of that. Then, clock in a solid 2 hours of patience before you even think about a second helping.

For the Curious Experimenters: Diving into uncharted waters with a new strain or product? Tread lightly. Each strain is its own beast, with varying strengths and effects that can vary widely from one person to another. When you're exploring new territories, always err on the side of caution.

2. Know your limits

Personal Thresholds: Think of your tolerance as your cannabis fingerprint—it's unique to you. The same puff that launches someone else into orbit might just tickle your toes. It's crucial to tune into your body's signals and responses. You gotta find what vibes with you.

Mindset Matters: Your current mental and emotional state plays a huge role. If you’re already feeling deeply stressed or incredibly anxious, cannabis might mute OR amplify those feelings. Check in to see how you’re feeling mentally, and be honest with yourself if this is the right time to be consuming canna.

Physical Condition: Your body plays a big part in how you'll feel consuming canna. Factors like your height and weight, how fast your body processes things (metabolism!), and whether you've got a full or empty stomach all influence the journey. For example, an empty stomach before an edible adventure could mean more intense effects.

3. Create a chill environment

Put yourself in a place that makes you happy and calm

Put yourself in a place that makes you happy and calm

Choose Your Chill Zone: Light up or consume where you feel most at ease. Your vibe sanctuary—be it your cushy couch corner or a friend's backyard—can be a game-changer, especially if being in more public spaces already gives you the jitters. If you do teeter into greening out territory, being in a familiar place will help you avoid feeling even more paranoid or anxious than you would somewhere else. 

Surround Yourself with Your Squad: Trusted friends are like your personal ground control team; they're there to bring you back to Earth if you start orbiting a little too far out. They can help assure you that you're gonna be fine and get you back to a comfortable place.

Cozy Up: Have your comfy pillows, favorite blanket, or whatever makes you feel cozy and secure. It’s all about creating a vibe that keeps you in a happy, relaxed state. If you are going to get too high you want to make sure that you have a comfy place to wait out the ride. 

3. Stay hydrated and well nourished

Prevent Dry Mouth: Cannabis can give you a dry mouth also known as cottonmouth, canna’s less beloved sidekick. To dodge this dry spell, make water your best friend. Staying hydrated keeps you comfortable and helps you avoid feeling parched. Water also helps maintain your body's balance, which can be particularly helpful if you start to feel dizzy or nauseous.

Fuel Your Body: If you find yourself riding a bit too high on the edible express, reaching for some food can help bring you back down to Earth. It’s not just about filling your stomach; it's about grounding your senses. Eating nutritious food after indulging in too many edibles can help metabolize and moderate the THC high, giving you a gentle nudge back to a more manageable state. Integrating these foods into your munchie mix can help counteract some of the less-than-ideal side effects. Imagine this: your body is like a sophisticated machine, and just like any machine, it needs the right fuel to function at its best. Opt for comfort foods that are easy on the stomach and rich in carbs or proteins—think a warm bowl of oatmeal or a simple cheese sandwich. These are perfect for getting you grounded after flying a little too close to the sun. 

Watch out for Alcohol: Mixing cannabis with alcohol can intensify THC’s effects and increase dehydration and the chances of greening out. Stick to water or other non-alcoholic drinks if you’re trying to have a more subtle time.

How to manage a green out

When you know what to expect it’s easy to bring yourself back down to earth from a green out

When you know what to expect it’s easy to bring yourself back down to earth from a green out

Practice mindfulness and techniques to calm down

Consider a body scan meditation as your relaxation expedition. Begin at the top of your toes, gradually trekking upwards, and check in with each region of your body. It’s about acknowledging every part of you and inviting tension to get lost, one breath at a time. You can use these steps to help guide you:

1. Find Your Comfort Zone- First up, find a cozy nook where you can sit or lie down. This is your safe harbor. Adjust your sails (aka your body) until you feel a sense of ease. Comfort is key here, especially when the waves of too much cannabis are rocking your boat.

2. Breathe Like the Tide: Slow and Steady

Your breath is your anchor. Inhale deeply, like the swell of the ocean, and exhale slowly, like the tide going out. Feel each breath as it enters and exits, a natural rhythm that keeps you moored to the present. This simple act can be incredibly grounding when you feel adrift.

3. Embark on a Body Scan from Head to Toes

Now, let's gently start your body scan, setting sail from the crown of your head and journeying down to the tips of your toes. This isn't a race; it's more like meandering through a calm bay. Notice any areas where the waters of tension might be high and imagine your breath flowing to these areas, calming the waves.

4. Embrace the World Around You

With your body feeling more grounded, let's cast a wider net and engage your senses. What can you hear? What can you smell? Perhaps there's a hint of perfume in the air (or the aroma of your surroundings). If you're up for it, open your eyes and take in the view. Let each sense anchor you further into the moment, a reminder of the world around you.

5. Let the Negative Thoughts Drift By

As thoughts emerge, picture them as clouds floating across the sky of your mind. You're lying on the deck of your boat, watching them pass. Some might be stormy, others fluffy and light. Observe them without boarding them. They're just clouds, after all. Let them drift by, and gently steer your focus back to your breath and senses.

This mindful practice is a powerful way many Dank Mamas (including Mama herself) restore harmony and re-establish a connection with our physical selves when we drift toward the side of being a little too elevated. 

Distract yourself

If you already hit your mindfulness quota of the day and want to take your mind to another place while you come back down to earth some TV or other stimulant will do in a pinch. Keep a stash of go-to activities that can help steer your mind away from uneasy feelings. Whether it's a comedy that leaves you in stitches, a playlist that wraps you in a big hug, or a coloring book that channels your inner Picasso, having these distractions can turn a moment of too much into a vibe of zen.

Have a playlist ready that grounds you

Have a playlist ready that grounds you

Remember, greening out is overindulgence—it’s intense, not particularly fun, and something most of us would rather avoid. But just like a hangover or stomach ache from the extra servings of dessert, it’s often a rite of passage. The trick is to learn from it, not fear it. Only you know your body's limits, and you’ve got to use that mindfulness to create a vibe that’s the perfect amount of chill for you. 

Use this guide for empowerment because this isn’t about scaring you off; it's about ensuring you’re equipped to enjoy every moment, responsibly and joyfully. With a little knowledge and self-awareness, you can make every experience with cannabis one that adds a little elevation, safely and blissfully.


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