Quick Puffs: I Didn't Feel Anything the First Time I Smoked

​​Have you ever heard someone say they didn't feel a thing the first time they tried cannabis? Maybe you’ve tried the good green once or twice and felt like it didn’t do anything to you. It's a curious phenomenon that's more common than you might think. Let’s break down the factors at play here.

Your first smoke might feel like taking part in an alien ritual 👽

Your first smoke might feel like taking part in an alien ritual 👽

When someone tries cannabis for the first time and reports feeling no effects, this could be a few things. First off, there's the way they inhale. Newbies might not be inhaling deeply enough for the smoke or vapor to make its way into their lungs, where the THC can be absorbed into the bloodstream. Smoking for the first time can be confusing and those who have smoked cigarettes before may not be used to the deeper inhale we usually take when smoking canna.

A good sign you’ve smoked “correctly” your first time is a heavy cough immediately following your inhale. This is your lungs reacting to the particles associated with cannabis smoking that enter your lungs. For those of us concerned about lung health it’s worth it to mention that science is still not decided on the risk of regular cannabis smoking. For most though it’s widely accepted that occasional cannabis smoking has not been found to pose a significant risk to lung health.

Inhale… pause… exhale

Inhale… pause… exhale

Another aspect to consider is the body's endocannabinoid system, which is how cannabis interacts with us on a physiological level 🧠. For some, this system might be a bit shy at first, needing a little more exposure to THC to "wake up" and start responding. It's like the body needs a couple of introductions to THC before it recognizes it as a friend. Let’s add that some people may have genetic dispositions or take medications that make them have fewer, or less dense patches of C1B receptors in their brains, which would mean needing more THC to feel the effects of cannabis. One puff might not be enough for some people to experience the liftoff from canna 🚀.

Psychological expectations can also play a significant role. If you’re expecting fireworks and a parade in your brain, the subtle effects of milder cannabis might not match your high expectations 😶‍🌫️. While a lot of cannabis on the market can produce an intense experience some strains can be very gentle, especially those that are low in THC and high in CBD. Imagine expecting the bang of caffeine from a double espresso shot but you’ve been given a cup of green tea.

Canna + coffee can feel like a boost 🚀 or give a balanced feeling 🧘‍♀️

Lastly, cannabis might be dulled or masked by the use of other substances. Pairing cannabis with substances like alcohol, nicotine or caffeine can enhance its effects in some people, but there’s also the possibility that adding cannabis in addition to another substance can have the opposite effect. Smoking cannabis with another substance may make someone feel “balanced” and “more grounded” which can give the appearance of feeling no effects.

It’s incredibly rare and almost unheard of to be completely unaffected by smoking cannabis. If you don’t feel much on your first try and want another chance, don't write off our little herb just yet! It's worth experimenting with different consumption methods and strains. Finding your groove might just require a little patience and exploration. And if smoking isn’t your thing, hey there are always edibles!


We’re taking quick, insightful dives in our Quick Puffs series, where we unravel the smoky mysteries of cannabis in easily digestible bites. Our goal? To light up the most frequently asked questions with clear, concise answers that help both newcomers and seasoned enthusiasts alike.

Keep checking back for more easy-reading posts packed with everything you need to navigate the hazy world of cannabis. Stay curious, stay informed, and as always, stay dank!


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