CBD-Chill Out

Mama’s Tips

In the wild world of wellness, CBD shines like a beacon for those of us who want to keep our feet on the ground while still reaping some serious mind and body benefits. Let's face it, not everyone is into the idea of soaring through space 🪐 with THC's psychoactive effects. That's where CBD steps in keeping things 100% chill. It’s your reliable, earthbound ally with a treasure trove of benefits minus the cosmic trip.

CBD-only or CBD-dominant? Pure CBD is your zen master, perfect for those times when you want to relax without the psychoactive concert in your head. CBD-dominant strains that have 5% or more THC bring a bit more to the party – a slight buzz 🐝 while still keeping it mellow.

With CBD, surprises are minimal, but it's still cool to know what you're getting into. Pure CBD is your chill pill, great for unwinding or socializing without the fireworks. A CBD-dominant strain might add a little sparkle ✨, perfect for relaxation with a side of happiness. It's like deciding between a caffeine-free herbal tea and a light green tea with a lil kick of caffeine.

Need pain relief? Say hello to CBD. Whether it’s that pesky backache or the aftermath of a workout session, consuming a CBD strain can be your go-to for natural pain relief. A CBD-only or a CBD-dominant strain can help ease those aches without sending you on a cosmic journey. It's like having a personal masseuse at your fingertips. Start with a small dose and see how it affects your pain levels. CBD is like the cool nurse of natural remedies - it's there to make you feel better, gently and effectively.

Catch some Z's with CBD. Struggling to hit the snooze button on your brain at bedtime? For those who have tried no phone before bed, getting more exercise, supplements, etc with no success; CBD might be your ticket to Snoozeville 😴. For those nights when your mind is doing laps, a dose of CBD can help ease you into a state that feels like you were just tucked in and read a bedtime story – no sheep-counting required. Whether you have a smoke, gummy, or capsule, incorporating CBD into your nighttime routine could be a game-changer for all my fellow insomniacs.

Try a skincare glow-up with CBD. CBD could be the secret sauce in your skincare routine 🧴. From serums to creams, adding a touch of CBD can help soothe irritation and reduce redness, giving you that "I woke up like this" glow. It's like your skin is getting a zen meditation session, without any work. Make sure to patch-test any new products you’re trying for the first time.

Use CBD to help your furry friends. Yes, you read that right. CBD isn't just for us; it's also for our four-legged companions dealing with anxiety, pain, or even the jitters during thunderstorms. Before you start envisioning your pup hitting a vape (please don't), know that there are CBD products specifically designed for pets 🐶.

Note-it's only a chill pill for your best friend, helping them stay calm without any psychoactive effects. Remember to consult with your vet first because Dr. Fuzzy Whiskerson isn't going to read the label himself.

Try This

Kickstart your day by adding a few drops of CBD oil to your morning coffee or smoothie. It’s like sending a love letter to your nervous system, whispering, "Let’s keep calm and carry on" as you tackle the day’s to-dos.

This tiny twist can turn your AM routine into a serene moment of zen before the chaos of emails and errands.

Chill Out

Strains to Try

Mama’s Pick

Silver Lime Haze

1:1 Balanced CBD THC Hybrid

Seeds Vary From:

10%-13% THC

10%-13% CBD





What’s the mood?

Silver Lime Haze is for those days when you want to feel like you’re walking on sunshine without leaving your living room. It's for the creative soul who also seeks harmony and well-being, making it perfect for a laid-back jam session with your guitar or crafting your next great novel. It’s the shoulder to lean on, bringing a smile to your face and peace to your heart.

Charlotte's Angel

CBD Dominant

Seeds vary from:

>1% THC

10%-20% CBD





What’s the mood?

Charlotte's Angel is about feeling lifted and supported without leaving the comfort of your mental clarity. Imagine tackling your to-do list with a newfound sense of focus, or finding your inner peace during yoga with an added layer of calm. Whether you're meditating, stretching into your morning yoga poses, or simply enjoying a moment of quiet after a day of anxouis thoughts. Great for those looking to dodge the psychoacitve buzz of THC.


CBD-Sativa Hybrid

Seeds Vary From:

14%-0% THC

8-20% CBD





What’s the mood?

Harlequin is a sativa-dominant strain that offers a balanced CBD/THC mix. It's known for providing a clear-headed and uplifting effect without overpowering euphoria. This makes it suitable for social gatherings where you want to stay relaxed yet engaged, or for creative pursuits that benefit from a calm but alert state of mind. It's also great for enjoying a casual walk or a light workout.

*** Images are generated and may not look exactly like your strain.


Treat Yourself